Eric Dubois
Born and raised in Southern New Hampshire, Eric grew up primarily in the city of Somersworth. Throughout his teen and college years he attempted to fit in, first through heavy metal and later through fraternity life. Thankfully, at the age of 24, the party scene had grown stale. Through the witness of his younger brother he came to faith in Christ on May 23, 1999.
Sensing a call to ministry, Eric completed a M.Div. in 2005. Then he began a career at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Shortly after starting at PNS, Eric began dating Kaitlin Gagne, whom he married in February, 2007. They settled in Berwick, Maine where they spent nine years and added to the family. Having previously served the local church in a variety of capacities (youth intern, pastoral intern, deacon, elder), Eric and the family departed for Louisville for further theological training. Shortly after completing a Th.M., Eric was called to pastor Palermo Christian Church where he was installed in August. His personal interests and hobbies include reading, writing, basketball, the Patriots, and the Celtics. A UNH graduate, Eric holds a M.Div. from Capital Bible Seminary and a Th.M. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Eric and Kaitlin live in Palermo with their five children: Caleb, Anna, Luke, Noah, and Lydia. |