Given the temptations and confusion present in our culture, your children face numerous challenges: questions of identity, peer pressure at school, and competing worldviews. Therefore, parents have a daunting task as they seek to reach their children with the gospel. And we think that a child’s parents are the most important component in any youth ministry (Ephesians 6:4). We seek to partner with parents in the following ways:
- We provide resources that help equip parents with a biblical perspective (e.g., Christian books, seminars, one on one discipleship, etc.).
- Pastoral counseling is available to parents. Here we can work through your unique challenges while offering biblical wisdom and encouragement.
- By saturating your children with the Bible during gatherings like the Sunday morning or Sunday evening service. During such meetings, your children will learn how the gospel shapes our lives and brings hope and clarity when the heat comes. By being a Word-centered church, your children will encounter the truth which shapes the heart and yields transformation.
- We don't have a formal Youth Group at Palermo Christian Church. We do have a youth Sunday school class for ages 11-16 that meets during our Sunday school hour. Currently we're using Gospel Project curriculum. Children are encouraged to bring a Bible. Children will have opportunity to engage with biblical texts.
- Through connection to the body of Christ, the local church. When your teenager interacts with the whole congregation, they’ll learn how to fellowship with people from diverse backgrounds, they’ll learn how to honor and submit to their elders, they’ll learn how to honor older men and women, and they’ll learn how to live out the one another commands of the New Testament. They can only learn how to do this in the context of the local church. As they engage and experience the local church in its fullness, they’ll develop a worldview that values the local church and they'll make progress in discipleship. You'll find teenagers present during our Wednesday evening prayer meeting.